Part of a parchment bearing... Part of a parchment bearing verses from the Evangile
Receipt of a waterwheel... Receipt of a waterwheel (Sakieh)
List of contributions... List of contributions for the decoration of a public bath
List of stones and construction... List of stones and construction measurements
Papyrus bearing verses... Papyrus bearing verses from the Iliad (II 631-641, 667-668, 449-519, 528-555)
Fragment of a Latin inscription... Fragment of a Latin inscription from the Aeneid II (P.oxy 1098)
Fragment of the play... Fragment of the play Orestes by Euripides (P.oxy 1616)
Fragment of a vellum... Fragment of a vellum leaf bearing part of the works of Thucydides (III 7-9) (P.oxy 1623)