Amulet of Harpocrates
Amulet in the shape of a heart
Amulet in the shape of a falcon
Amulet in the form of a winged scarab
Eight Ushabtis statuettes
Offering table
Model of a boat
Coffin of Aba, son of Ankh Hor
Fertility figurine
Amulet in the form of eye of Horus (Udjat)
Amulet of Bes
Amulet of Anubis
Amulet of Bastet
Amulet of Isis suckling Harpocrates
Canopic jar with human-headed lid
Papyrus bearing the hours nine to twelve from the Book «Of That Which is in the Underworld» (Imy Duat)
17 Artifact(s)