Women through the Ages An Interactive Online Course at the BA
Dr. Hussein Abd El-Bassir, Dr. Galal Refai, and Dr. Karim Hazma
21 September 2021
12:00 PM
Online Lectures
The Antiquities Museum and the Zahi Hawass Center of Egyptology; affiliated to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Cultural Outreach Sector, organize a free online course entitled "Women through the Ages" from 21 to 23 September 2021 at 12:00 noon. The course will be led by Dr. Hussein Abd El-Bassir, Dr. Galal Refai, and Dr. Karim Hazma, who will deliver three lectures over three days on the topic of women and their pioneering role through different civilizations, beginning with ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Islamic eras. The course will conclude with a field trip to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina to acquaint the participants with its different sections and its most valuable holdings, followed by a specialized tour inside the Antiquities Museum to apply what they have learned throughout the course.
The course will be broadcast through the Antiquities Museum Facebook page: Bibliotheca Alexandrina Antiquities Museum.
To participate in the lecture, click on the following links or enter the meeting information on the website: bibalex.webex.com.
First Lecture (21 September 2021)
Meeting Link: https://bibalex.webex.com/bibalex/j.php?MTID=mbf35b70339de7c48976c9e1225e5bc21
Meeting number: 23695698213
Password: T9rB
Second Lecture (22 September 2021)
Meeting Link: https://bibalex.webex.com/bibalex/j.php?MTID=ma6359c72245f664b0abe67b70576c825
Meeting number: 23649918085
Password: T9rB
Third Lecture (23 September 2021)
Meeting Link: https://bibalex.webex.com/bibalex/j.php?MTID=mc592510042b55f26ae66ca511c66e9e9
Meeting number: 23722378965
Password: T9rB