Catégorie :
Sculpture en ronde-bosse, statues
Date :
Ier – IIe siècle apr. J.-C.
Lieu de découverte :
Basse Egypte, Alexandrie, Abou Kir, Canope
Matière(s) :
Pierre, marbre
Vase: diam. sup.:
21.2 cm,
diam. inf.:
13 cm;
Tête: hauteur:
13.3 cm,
12.6 cm,
11.1 cm
Salle :
Antiquitiés englouties, vitrine 12
Ces informations sont sujettes à modification ou mise à jour en réponse aux exigences de la recherche continue.
- Ägyptens versunkene Schätze: 5. April 2007-27. Januar 2008, Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn (Heidelberg: Vernissage, 2007): 101, 360.
- Jürgen Bischoff, 2000 ans sous les mers: Les découvertes de Franck Goddio en Egypte, photographs by Christoph Gerigk (Gottingen: Steidl, 2016): 186.
- Franck Goddio and Hélène Constanty, Trésors engloutis: Journal de bord d'un archéologue (Paris: Ed. du Chêne, 2003): 160-161.
- Franck Goddio and Manfred Clauss, eds., Egypt’s Sunken Treasures, photographs by Christoph Gerigk (London: Prestel, 2006): 112-114, 408.
- Franck Goddio and David Fabre, Trésors engloutis d’Égypte, photographs by Christoph Gerigk (Milan: 5 Continents, 2006): 282.
- Franck Goddio, The Topography and Excavation of Heracleion-Thonis and East Canopus, 1996-2006, Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology Monograph 1 (Oxford: Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology. Institute of Archaeology, 2007): 53.
- Franck Goddio and Aurélia Masson-Berghoff, eds., The BP Exhibition: Sunken Cities: Egypt's Lost Worlds (London: Thames and Hudson, 2016): 132-133.
- Zahi A. Hawass and Franck Goddio, Cleopatra: The Search of the Last Queen of Egypt (Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, 2010): 167.
- Damian Robinson and Andrew Wilson, eds., Alexandria and the North-Western Delta: Joint Conference Proceedings of Alexandria: City and Harbour (Oxford 2004) and the Trade and Topography of Egypt's North-West Delta, 8th Century BC to 8th Century AD (Berlin 2006), Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology Monograph 5 (Oxford: Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology. Institute of Archaeology, 2010): 205.
- Mona Serry, ed., Bibliotheca Alexandrina: Antiquities Museum, introduction by Ismail Serageldin (Alexandria: Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Antiquities Museum, 2015): 300, 339.